

What is reiki?


reiki healing therapy was developed in 1922 by Japanese Buddhist Mikao Usui. It is an alternative form of complimentary holistic therapy which balances and replenishes the body’s energy system and releases energy blockages, in order to improve the patient’s emotional, mental and physical well-being. Since it’s development in 1922, reiki has been used throughout the world in many different cultures to treat psychological and emotional ailments such as stress and anxiety and physical issues such as back pain and headaches, to name a few.

Although the treatment is spiritual in nature, it is not affiliated with any specific religion, nor does the patient require any certain belief system in order to receive or benefit from the treatment. reiki is in fact becoming more and more popular in secular Western culture and is increasingly being recognised and used by the medical profession in hospitals, particularly throughout the US, as an effective way to improve patient care. In particular by accelerating recovery from surgery, improving mental attitude and reducing the negative effects of medication and other medical procedures. The treatment is also now commonly used in palliative care for cancer patients. However, although an excellent and proven effective form of complimentary therapy, reiki should not be used in place of conventional medical treatment.


What happens during a treatment?


Reiki is a natural, safe and simple treatment which involves the ‘laying on of hands’ of the practitioner on the patient. Ideally, the patient will lie down or sit in a comfortable position in a calm and warm environment in order to receive the treatment. The practitioner’s hands are then placed in various specific locations on the body, in order to work with the body’s energy system. To ensure the best results are achieved, the reiki practitioner will usually always work through the whole of body rather than just focusing on one specific area, as the cause of a physical issue may not necessarily be where the pain is felt and so it will benefit the client to work on alternative areas of the body.

Similarly, there may be underlying emotional issues (such as stress or grief) which cause the pain. In any event, even though the hands are placed at specific locations, the energy received during a treatment will always flow to where the patient requires it the most.

A reiki session will typically last arouThe patient receiving the treatment does not need to do anything and no movement of the body is required. Patients react differently to reiki treatments, and different sensations are felt throughout. The most common sensations felt by patients during a treatment are a dramatic increase in body temperature, particularly where the practitioner is laying on their hands (this temperature increase is associated with the energy which is being received) and also a deep sense of relaxation and calmness. As a practitioner, when carrying out a reiki healing treatment, my aim is to help the client to feel as comfortable and at ease as possible, allowing them to enjoy the treatment more and to also ensure the best possible results are achieved, as a comfortable, relaxed setting is the optimum environment for the energy to flow. Although the process is simple, in order to be effective, a reiki treatment must be carried out by an experienced practitioner who has been attuned to working with reiki energy.


How often should I receive a treatment?


There are noticeable benefits (mentioned below) to receiving a one-off treatment. However, in order to fully experience the improvement to your overall well-being, I usually recommend receiving regular treatments; around once per week for the first 4 weeks, in order to balance your energy system, then monthly or bi-monthly thereafter to sustain your improved state of wellbeing. However, the choice of treatment plan is ultimately that of the client and I will always work with a patient to offer the amount of sessions they feel they would like or need.


What are the benefits of reiki


In recent years, various studies have been carried out into the effectiveness of reiki and the benefits of the treatment. One of the most notably proven benefits is the positive effect on the body’s parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for rest and relaxation. In short, receiving reiki is proven to help the patient relax and de-stress dramatically. In conjunction with this benefit, the following physical and psychological effects of reiki are also recorded:

• Pain reduction in body
• Migraine relief
• Improved recovery from surgery
• Improved recovery from illness
• Helping to ease anxiety
• Help with feelings of fatigue
• Improving the immune system
• Better sleep
• Improved mental clarity
• Improved overall mental, emotional and physical wellbeing

reiki is a holistic treatment and will work to improve your overall wellbeing by working on any physical, mental or emotional issues, which may or may not be obvious to you. It is a safe, effective and highly recommended therapy which, speaking from personal experience, when received on a regular basis can be life changing.



1 hour – £40, 30 mins – £27.

Questions? Concerns?

Please don’t hesitate to contact the clinic on:
0161 209 3980