Category News

Movement and Wellbeing Clinic News – Osteopath Manchester

Which Diagnosis is Correct?

Most of us have visited a Healthcare Professional to get help with pain, whether it was a Doctor, an Osteopath or a Physiotherapist. Have you ever experienced the luxury of two Healthcare Professionals handling your care at once? If so,…

Which Diagnosis is Correct?

Most of us have visited a Healthcare Professional to get help with pain, whether it was a Doctor, an Osteopath or a Physiotherapist. Have you ever experienced the luxury of two Healthcare Professionals handling your care at once? If so,…

Tension Headache

There are various distractions that we must tolerate in life. One of the most common and frustrating is pain. Pain can be reduced and eradicated through various means, such as applying heat, movement, and visiting your Osteopath, but tension headaches…