Ed Madeley

Ed Madeley

Osteo v rheumatoid arthritis

A very commonly queried question – what the difference between the osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis is. The answer is quite simple – quite a lot. Arthritis means ‘inflammation of a joint’, with arthron meaning joint and its meaning inflammation. As…

Sacroiliac Joint Pain (Lower back pain)

Lower back pain is an epidemic, with 80% of people getting back pain at some point in their life. The severity and frequency of course changes depending on the type of lower back pain you are suffering from. Some back…

Osteopath vs Chiropractor

What Is The Difference Between an Osteopath Chiropractor and Physiotherapist? Have you ever wondered what the difference is between osteopaths, chiropractors and physiotherapists? You wouldn’t be alone. I get asked all the time. In truth? Not much. Well… when I…

Osteopathy Manchester

So How Come Osteopathy Isn’t Well Known in Manchester Manchester Osteopathy has a profile problem. An awareness issue. Always the bridesmaid, osteopathy is never the bride that is physiotherapy. Or even chiropractic for that matter, both of which seem to…


We’ve all seen those party trickers, the contortionists, the finger benders, the ankle behind the headers, the limboists. Maybe you’re one yourself. It’s kind of fun. Such flexibility is called hypermobility. Advantageous to dancers, musicians, swimmers and party trickers in…