Ed Madeley

Ed Madeley

The Posture Conundrum – Part 1

Posture Conundrum

As an osteopath, I am often asked, both inside and outside of the clinic – ‘What do you think of my posture?’, or even more abstractly, ‘Do I have bad posture?’. Whilst this is a common question, it doesn’t need…

Sciatica and How to Treat it

Sciatica and how to treat it One of the more commonly repeated ‘Google diagnoses” is sciatica. But what does it actually mean? Sciatica is a debilitating condition in which the patient experiences pain and/or paresthesias in the distribution of the…

What Is Tendinopathy?

Tendinopathy is a common yet very challenging ailment to both osteopaths and physios alike and is of particular interest to me, partly because it is often poorly diagnosed and mistreated. This blog explores all aspects of tendinopathy, and why it…

Slipped Discs: Signs and Treatments

Slipped discs are a commonly feared yet overly self-diagnosed ailment, and with this in mind, I thought it’d be good to clear up a few things about what a slipped disc is. Learn more about the symptoms of slipped discs,…